
Friday, October 19, 2012

Harry Potter Birthday

Wednesday was my daughter's 11th birthday.  She wanted a Harry Potter themed party.  Since she didn't do her end of the deal this year by doing her chores she didn't get a big party with friends, but just a small party with just our family.  This was the cake I made her. (I know it's kinda sad looking but I didn't have time to freeze it before decorating it so I was happy with this last minute throw together)  It's supposed to be the sorting hat on top.  I got the sorting hat part of the cake made at Walmart and bought the rings there as well.  The rings were 6 for $1.00 (not bad!) The glasses I found as part of a clown costume at the dollar store.
Using some pipe cleaners I made these Harry Potter glasses for all the kids to wear.  The pipe cleaners came in a package of 25 for 77cents, and it took 2 pipe cleaners per pair of glasses.

Here's the birthday girl about to blow out the candles.

And then of course there's the "spanking machine".... everyone lines up and the birthday girl (or boy) has to crawl between their legs while they get spanked! (my kids usually end up taking turns even if it's not their birthday)
And of course PRESENTS!!

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