
Monday, April 22, 2013

Sister Wives TLC show

There's a show on TLC that has provided answers to many curious about the polygamist lifestyle.  Although polygamist religions and groups can differ, most people seem to be intrigued with the concept as evidence by the shows success.  In this reality show "Sister Wives" viewers can see what daily life is like for those involved.  We've all heard the nightmare stories about abuse, rape, slavery, and hell that some involved in the polygamy groups have suffered for, but that is not the absolute for all cases.
The Brown's show a positive outlook on what a successful polygamist family looks like.  Through the ups and downs, financial crisis, jealousy, chid-rearing, religious beliefs and more issues married couples face multiplied by the input (and wisdom) of 4 wives.  Here's my take on the show-

Kody is the husband who is outnumbered when it comes to common sense and reality.  He seems to be a very fun-loving, easy-going personality that jumps in with both feet before checking the temperature of the water.  Lucky for him he's got 4 babysitters in the form of wives to guide him along the path of reality and keep him grounded.  Although happy most of the time he definitely has some ego and slightly more than normal vanity in his personality.  All things aside though, he is a very devoted and loving father and treats his wives well with concern for their happiness and well being.

Mari was Kody's first wife.  She's very practical, emotionally stable (at least on the outside), and professionally minded.  She sews and has good taste in decorations from what I've noticed so far.  She seems to be the resourceful one and keeps the family organized.

Janelle is the second wife.  She is the financial brains of the family.  She's smart, organized, quiet and easy to get along with.  Although she tends to be less open and friendly don't let that fool you that she doesn't have an opinion on things!

Christine is the third wife and was the last wife until a couple years ago.  She is more emotional and needy of the wives when it comes to time and attention from Cody and tends to have the most jealousy issues.  She seems to be rational and social and was also the one who would stay home with the kids while the other adults worked.

Robyn is the fourth wife who joined the family only a couple of years ago (on the show).  She has 3 children from her previous marriage.  Another seemly shy wife who will also surprise you with her opinions.  She's like a duck on the water- everything looks fine but the legs are paddling away under the water!

Personally this lifestyle is not for me, however I applaud them for their commitment and ability to raise their children in a loving and safe environment where both parents (and the support of other parent figures) are actively involved.  They are clear in sharing that in order for their family to function it takes a lot of work. This family seems like they would be a blast to have as neighbors or to hang around with.

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