
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Planting Season

After starting our seeds and letting them grow for a bit it's now time to put them into the ground.  Now that we live in AZ the planting, growing, harvest season is a lot longer than it was in Utah.  We excited to have a garden this year!  These seeds include: pumpkin, squash, zucchini, cucumber, peas, beans, and watermelon.  We also planted from seed into the garden: carrots & lettuce.  We used planting boxes to try out square foot gardening- here's the process we did:

First we laid down some cardboard (we had plenty from our move) into the planting box.  Then we poured the planting soil on top of it.  The cardboard helps keep weeds from growing in the garden and also acts as a compost and food for worms.

After spreading the dirt evenly we then drew lines dividing the box into 9 squares.  We ended up doing 3 rows instead because of what we were planting in them.
Then we transplanted our seed starts to the box.

I'll keep you posted as they grow!  We used 3 planting box areas.

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