
Saturday, October 5, 2013

You only think you're busy

Are you one of those people that are always busy?  Or do you know someone who seems like they are always busy? Busy Busy Busy, doing what?!?  Most of the time you only think you're busy, that is until you meet someone else who does more than you do and you realize you're just unorganized.  Being organized is essential for a person that likes to stay busy and productive.  Let me share a little insights to my life and what keeps me busy, then you can see if still think you're busy.
Let's talk about responsibilities first:

First and most importantly I am a mom of 5 children and a wife.  This means that the learning, growth, health, food, emotional well being, and discipline of 6 (because I do count my hubby in that) is up to me.  I have found that the best way to stay organized with this is to spend the time teaching side by side, then have them teach each other.  This makes the older kids able to start helping the younger ones.  I also found that even if I'm in the middle of doing something it's important to stop (if possible) and listen to their stories here and there.  When it comes to homework, the older kids help the younger ones, and my husband and I fill in when it's beyond the older child's ability or to just spend one on one time with that child.

Along with being the mom, I am also responsible for the house.  With a family of 7 the house can get pretty messy pretty fast!! Although the kids have chores to help with the cleaning there is still always a lot to do.  Meals, Dishes, Groceries, Vacuuming, Laundry, Dishes, Picking up clutter, Laundry, Dishes then more Laundry............ oh and did I mention dishes and laundry?!?!? Sometimes it seems those are my life!  I've found that if I put all the clean laundry on the couch I can sit and fold 3-4 loads while watching a movie or tv show. (that's my relaxation time)

We are very active in our church, so that means there are also religious responsibilities that I have.  Luckily these responsibilities aren't as time consuming and for the most part are on Sunday's and  a day or two a month.

Ok, so now lets talk about jobs:

First there is this blog.  I love doing this blog and most of the things I blog about are things we do in our day to day life so normally the only added time is taking pictures, typing up posts, returning emails, and talking with sponsors and companies for reviews.   Recently I've made it a goal to get as much done for the blog in one day of the week, and so far so good!  Thank heaven's for scheduled posts!  There are some projects that I will make a point to do for the blog (like some pinterest experiments) so basically it helps keep me productive and getting things done because of a level of accountability I have to you wonderful readers :)  I do attend the occasional blogger event such as the ABC Kids Expo I will be attending in Las Vegas in a couple of weeks.

I am also a Tupperware manager.  When I first moved to this area that I live in there wasn't any other Tupperware consultants, so I started to build a team.  I am now the leader for a dozen consultants.  Along with submitting orders for my own clients, and doing the occasional Tupperware party I help my team with their orders, party's, events, and hold training's in my house every 2 weeks.  With Fall time there are a lot of fairs, craft shows and other events that I get a booth at.  There are also trips I take 2-3 times a year for Tupperware events.

When it comes to books, I've written a number of children's books and a few self-help books.  I'm currently in the middle of writing a novel which is VERY different from anything I've ever written and I can't wait to finish it and get it published.  I already have ideas for a new book series geared to teenagers that I will start once this book is finished.   I also have a few more children's books I've written but are waiting for the illustrations to go with them before I can publish them.  (oh did I mention I do the artwork for my children's books as well?)  Writing has always been something that I will do in my spare time- which sometimes doesn't happen for weeks or months.  Recently I joined a writing webinar group where we get together for a couple hours each week and write.  I'm loving this group because it is helping me have specific time set aside for writing and I can get a lot done without feeling like other areas are suffering.  Currently all my books are only published on, but I hope with this next book to get it published and printed on paper as well.

Occasionally I will do graphic design stuff for friends and family or for projects I'm working on.  These usually take a matter of minutes or hours depending on the project.  And even more rarely, but still happens, I will do web page design.

Now for the newest job.  I am organizing a victim advocacy and crisis team for the county I live in and the county next to mine.  There is no advocacy organization in this area and it is desperately needed.  Having experience working with the crisis team in Utah I have been asked to organize and direct the new program here.  So as the program director I will be in charge of setting it up, then running it.  Right now it's a lot of paperwork- articles of incorporation, non-profit status,  statistic research, finding funding (grants and donations), and meeting with local agencies while setting up a board of directors, and getting state certifications.  It's a lot of work, but hopefully we will get some funding soon to help pay for the needed things.

Now, do you still feel busy?
Sometimes I hear people say they can't do this or that to help someone else because they are too busy, meanwhile there are others that are much more busy that are volunteering to help.  It's all a matter of perception and priorities.

I know there are people out there that do even more than I do so I'm not trying to say I do it all.  My point is that sometimes our perception changes when we learn what other's lives are like.  You think that your life has been dealt a bad hand, until you learn of someone else that's had it worse than you (or at least different challenges that you'd rather not have).

With as crazy as my life can get, I am so grateful for everything that I'm able to do and the people I am able to meet, work with, and have in my life!  I love those humbling moments when you realize how great you have it- I try to keep those in mind every time life starts to feel out of hand and then it dawns on me I just need to re-prioritize and get organized!

Most important, always make time for people.  Make time for your kids, Make time for serving others, Make time for date night, Make time for building relationships and friendships.

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