
Monday, October 21, 2013

Zombie Epedemic

Vampires are out and Zombies are in. For the last couple of years Zombie movies have made a huge come-back. Walking Dead, Resident Evil, Night of the living dead, and I'm sure tons more.  It's even in games such as Plants vs Zombies!  People have exchanged the blood sucking vampires for the biting and slow impending attack of the zombie. With all the hype has come a marketing company's dream.  Clothing, toys, survival gear, and products designed for zombie fans.  Here are some of the interesting things I've come across regarding zombies lately, I have to give major props for creativity, but stepping outside the box it's also very alarming.

If you are gullible enough to think man eating zombies are an actual possibility check out this website- It lists the top 7 reasons zombies wouldn't last long enough to take over a city let alone the world. *warning, that website does use some colorful language*

If you're still afraid you could always resort to building a house like this:

And you could even make your own Zombie Defense Kit:

There's something about the suspense of a creature that can barely walk, yet you can't get away from it! Every zombie movie or tv show has one thing in common- lots of blood and gore!  And for some reason they all seem to believe that the head has to be destroyed in order to fully get rid of the zombie.

Psychologically I wonder if this is a way for people to experience the gory killing of other humans in a way that's "ok", or perhaps it's a representation of the belief of no life after death?  Either way it's a lot of violence!  And as a resident evil fan myself I fully understand the adrenaline rush of seeing your favorite actor kick some zombie butt.  

We watch movies like "Hunger Games" and think how could a society ever get to the point of making children kill each other for entertainment- yet how do you think they got to that point?  Things don't happen over night.  The media is always looking for that shock factor- so when society is no longer impressed with something a new movie is made to push the limits of what is considered appropriate. Violence, Sex, Language, it all gets anted up for a better shock factor until we become desensitized and a new standard is sought after.  After all, a few hundred years ago entertainment was watching people get slaughtered by lions..... don't kid yourself for a second to think we're above that.  We still watch violence against other humans happen for entertainment.  Movies, reality tv, sports.... we're not far off.

Personally I think the only version of zombies that are a threat would be those people who can't think for themselves and get caught up in "survival" mode for themselves.  They become self-involved, recluse, and everything is a mindless reaction rather than a thoughtful action to develop their lives into what they want them to be.  Taking everything you read or hear as the gospel truth instead of researching and finding out for yourself will put you at risk of being this type of zombie.  Just remember the old saying "take it with a grain of salt" and apply it to everything!  Develop your own opinions after finding facts to support it, and always be open to the possibility that you could be wrong. :)

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