
Friday, November 29, 2013

Black Friday or Cyber Monday?

Today is the famous BLACK FRIDAY, the one shopping day a year when you will see fights break out in the toy and electronic departments, people pushing and shoving to get the deals, carts stolen, parking spots all taken for miles, camping out at stores from the wee hours of the morning or even the night before, and of course this is right after spending a day with family talking about everything you are thankful for.  Then there's Cyber Monday,
where you can shop online from home and hope that by the time you submit your order there are still enough products in the company's inventory to fulfill your order.  Pray that your internet doesn't have any hiccups and that you can get on and off the websites quickly to get the best deals.   All in the name of saving some money.

My first black Friday experience was in 2007 where I went to Staples at 2am (the store opened at 5am) to be sure to get the awesome deal they were having on a laptop I needed.  I was the second one in line, and no one else even showed up until 4am.  That's 2 hours of sleep I could have had!  But I got my laptop and then drove over to Walmart to face the battles there.  It really wasn't that bad.  

If you don't mind crowds, and have patience to wait in long lines, or you have a group of teenagers go with you (they don't mind squeezing between people and things to grab the one item you need in that section). Usually I'm only going for a couple of things so I've been able to get in and out pretty quickly and not have any issues.

As for Cyber Monday, I tried getting some deals last year and I don't know if the sales just weren't as good, or maybe I had just already got everything we needed but I wasn't that impressed with cyber Monday.  Maybe I just like the rush of a good sale in person.

Either way- here are a couple sites where you can see the ads for different stores

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