
Friday, December 13, 2013

The Best Cream Pies

Every year at Thanksgiving and Christmas time there is one type of pie that my family all requests...Cream Pies!  Years ago I learned of the best way to make them and it's so simple anyone can do it.
To make the cream pie:

1 graham cracker crust (you can use normal crust as well, this is just a preference)
1 large box of pudding- the flavor you want the cream pie to be.
1 container of cool whip topping

Follow the directions on the pudding box to make for PIE (it calls for less milk).  Once the pudding is mixed up fold all but a spoon full of the cool whip into the pudding.
Pour into your pie crust and then top with the remaining cool whip.

For chocolate cream- shave some chocolate on top
For Banana cream- serve with fresh banana's (but don't put them on until right before serving so they don't go brown)
For Coconut cream- use vanilla pudding, add 1/2 t. coconut extract and 1 cup of coconut to the pudding.  Sprinkle some toasted coconut on top

These pies are usually the first to be eaten! Enjoy!


  1. What an easy dessert idea!!! Thanks for sharing with us on Fancy This Fridays! We featured you today! Hope you'll stop by and check it out!
