
Thursday, January 2, 2014

What are your financial goals for 2014?

If you've made any New Year's resolutions regarding money there are a few resources I'd love to share with you! (no, I'm not selling you anything- they are just inspiring and motivational things I've come across)  When reading them I found them to be very motivational and seem to be pretty easy to do.  Changes can be made by making one small change each day!
First I want to share this list from the Dave Ramsay site.  Dave Ramsay has a financial program that teaches you how to live debt free based on biblical principles.  We've had a number of friends take his course and love it, but we have not taken it yet.  It's on our list to do!

20 things wealthy people do that poor people don't do:
Tom Corley, on his website, outlines a few of the differences between the habits of the rich and the poor.
1. 70% of wealthy eat less than 300 junk food calories per day. 97% of poor people eat more than 300 junk food calories per day. 23% of wealthy gamble. 52% of poor people gamble.

2. 80% of wealthy are focused on accomplishing some single goal. Only 12% of the poor do this.

3. 76% of wealthy exercise aerobically four days a week. 23% of poor do this.

4. 63% of wealthy listen to audio books during commute to work vs. 5% of poor people.

5. 81% of wealthy maintain a to-do list vs. 19% of poor.

6. 63% of wealthy parents make their children read two or more non-fiction books a month vs. 3% of poor.

7. 70% of wealthy parents make their children volunteer 10 hours or more a month vs. 3% of poor.

8. 80% of wealthy make Happy Birthday calls vs. 11% of poor.

9. 67% of wealthy write down their goals vs. 17% of poor.

10. 88% of wealthy read 30 minutes or more each day for education or career reasons vs. 2% of poor.

11. 6% of wealthy say what’s on their mind vs. 69% of poor.

12. 79% of wealthy network five hours or more each month vs. 16% of poor.

13. 67% of wealthy watch one hour or less of TV every day vs. 23% of poor.

14. 6% of wealthy watch reality TV vs. 78% of poor.

15. 44% of wealthy wake up three hours before work starts vs. 3% of poor.

16. 74% of wealthy teach good daily success habits to their children vs. 1% of poor.

17. 84% of wealthy believe good habits create opportunity luck vs. 4% of poor.

18. 76% of wealthy believe bad habits create detrimental luck vs. 9% of poor.

19. 86% of wealthy believe in lifelong educational self-improvement vs. 5% of poor.

20. 86% of wealthy love to read vs. 26% of poor.
None of those things seem very hard to do, or change if you're not doing them right?  All about changing habits.
Personally for me, I think that the differences in people's lives comes down to attitude and choices.  My new saying for 2014 is going to be "that's why their life is that way, and my life is this way", meaning that we all have the opportunity to have whatever kind of attitude we choose to, and make whatever choices we want to.  Those choices and attitude determines how our life will turn out.  Do you choose to have a negative attitude? Do you consider yourself a victim? Are you always blaming someone else for all the bad things in your life?
One of the things I teach my Rapid Eye Clients is that until you take responsibility for your life, you can't change it.  If nothing is "your fault" then how are you supposed to change it?  Once you realize that your life is exactly what you've chosen to make it and every thing you have and experience is because of your choices you will receive great power.  Because, if YOU are in control, YOU are responsible, it is all YOUR choice, and therefore you can choose NOT to have it!  :)  You get to make all the choices in your life, which means you are the master creator of your own life- what do you want to experience? What do you want to have? Who do you want to spend time with? How much money do you want? Where do you want to be?  It's all up to you!
The second resource I'd love to share if you haven't read (or personally I like the movie better) "The Secret" go buy and watch it today!   The Secret teaches about the law of attraction and how you use it every day if you realize it or not.  It will teach you how to use it to your advantage.  It's great!
Write down your financial goals for 2014, and make 1 small change each day in support of your goal (even if it's cutting out 1 soda, or putting $1 into a savings jar) You can do it!
Here's a savings chart I found a few years ago-

1 comment:

  1. great post. hubby and I have been debt (credit debt) free for years now and it's a challenge but so worth it. choices and attitudes! Perfect1
