
Monday, May 19, 2014

Frozen song mania, Let it go!

The latest Disney movie Frozen has a song which has become quite the song mania for parody's in the past few months.  Let it go!  The title of the song, but also my feelings towards all the parody's.  Don't get me wrong, although we enjoyed the movie, and the songs are probably some of the best Disney has come out with in awhile, EVERYONE and their dog and 2 year old is making a video singing this song or some version of it.
 I've been guilty myself of recording my 2 year old singing this song because lets face it, it's adorable.  When the main words of a song are so simple that even new speaking toddlers can say it the song is bound to be heard around the house for months.

But I really do like this song!  And I don't want to get sick of it because everyone thinks they need to put their twist on it.  A mom's version (or a few of them even) a dad's version, a kids version, a dogs version, LET IT GO!

After watching a couple of the parody's on facebook I started ignoring them all.  I will say though, there was one of a guy who sang the song in different Disney voices and that was the best one.

And that's my 2 cents on the subject today :)

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