
Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The secret to getting reviews on Amazon

Today I'm going to share a few secrets for those that are Amazon Sellers, or considering becoming one.  In the world of online shopping reviews are something that can make or break your sales. Through my years of working and selling online here are some secrets to help you get more reviews for your Amazon products-

Walking through a store and picking up an item you can see the quality, compare it to similar items, inspect it closely etc. before buying it to see if it will meet your needs.  But shopping online you can't do that, so online shoppers depend on the experience of others through reviews.  The more reviews a product has the more people will buy it.  (and the more positive the overall average is the better)

So many sellers find themselves asking "how do I get more reviews for my listings?"

Here's the basic, common-sense answers that everyone should be doing.  These are what you would call a foundation of being a good seller on Amazon.

  • Sell quality products.
    • Ok this may seem obvious, but if your products are cheap in quality, unless they are also extremely cheap in price, you are going to have disappointed buyers which could result in either no reviews or bad reviews.  (bad reviews is worse- but not by much)
    • There's a saying- "you get what you pay for" but a lot of customers expect to get a good deal, or better than what they expected.  If your prices and quality of products are a good balance of this mentality you wont go wrong.
    • On that same note- if you put a little thank you gift (even if it's a fun sized candy bar) it will make your product stand out from others.  I personally know someone who when she ordered something on Amazon, it came with all these cute little sayings and gifts- simple ones like a fruit snack for the kids, piece of chocolate for her, all with sayings that related to why they were added that related to what people that purchased that product could relate to.  She said even though the product itself was only okay she was a loyal customer now, she was so impressed by the little extras (that probably cost less than $2) that she took a picture of it, posted it to social media and in groups she was in, and talked about it to others. Talk about a boost for that company!
  • Ship in a timely manner.
    • Again, maybe common sense but if a a buyer has an expected delivery date and the package comes AFTER that date they will already have a bad taste in their mouth- especially if it's something they were really excited to receive.
    • On the flip side, if the package arrives BEFORE the expected delivery date they will be pleasantly surprised and you will be starting off their purchase with a great experience.
    • My advice would be to extend the expected delivery date (if it's not a Amazon prime standard shipping date that's pre-set) by a day or two so your customers will always be happy when their product arrives before it was scheduled to.

  • Follow up with customers through email.
    • You don't want to harass them by any means, but a simple email after they've received their product to ask if they are enjoying the product and request feedback is fine.
    • Some sellers will do a "thank you for buying" email, then a "your product has shipped" email, then a "how do you like it?" email, followed by a "please give us feedback" email....... DO NOT DO THAT!!!  Spam and junk mail are filling up people's email inboxes- don't be that seller.  You don't want to look desperate for approval or sales.
These are the basic foundation of building up reviews for your items on Amazon.  They are tried and true and something that EVERYONE should do no matter what.  They will give you a solid foundation of long term success.

Now for the SECRET to getting reviews FAST

There are some sellers that will buy reviews from companies.  This is not only against Amazon's terms and conditions and unethical, but it could get your account suspended or closed.  So this solution is no more a secret to getting reviews then the secret to getting rich is to rob a bank.  It's not a good idea.

It is completely within Amazon's terms and conditions AS LONG AS:
  1. They do not pay their reviewers
  2. They do not demand a 5 star or positive review
  3. Their reviewers leave a disclaimer at the bottom of their review stating they got the item free or at a discount in exchange for their review.
This is the best option for any seller who is new, or wanting to get more reviews for their items.  Basically you provide this third party with promotional codes that will make your item free or discounted and they distribute the codes to their reviewers, manage the reviewers making sure they order and leave a review, then give you all the links and information of reviews done.
It makes your job so much easier.  You get to just sit back and let the reviews roll in.  Most third party groups will offer some sort of result based guarantee that you will get a certain percentage of reviews back. (typically around 60% which is drastically better than the average 1% return on reviews for normal purchases)

Without one of these groups you could contact individuals to review your products, and hope they follow through.  This takes a lot of time on your part, if you have the time and it's worth it to you by all means go for it.  But hiring a third party who already has done all the work to gather verified reviewers willing to leave reviews is a HUGE time saver.  Work smarter, not harder.  Someone else has already done all that work, you can benefit from it.

The best company I would recommend for this is: My Honest Opinion Reviewers
They are great to work with, Christian based, and they pride themselves on having honest reviewers with integrity.  
If you're unsure, email my contact: AnDee-  
tell her I recommended you and ask her if you can try their services out- she'll usually let you do a small trial campaign for free.

Remember, it's better to pay someone to do something that anyone can do so that you can focus your time on things that only you can do.  - this perception has helped me a ton in life.

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