
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Dog on the Roof Book Review

I was asked to review this new book "Dog on the Roof" based on a cross country family trip that Mitt Romney allegedly took with his family and placed the family dog strapped to the top of the car.

Let me start by saying I have no idea if this actually happened or is one of those stories that the media has blown out of proportion.  This book should be taken as light-hearted teasing in my opinion.

The book is a poem of the family trip showing illustrations of stopping in different cities and the author's opinions of how Mitt Romney feels about each city.  There is defiantly some liberal bias in the story including some political, religious, financial, and other jabs at Romney.

As for my personal opinion on the book, I think that it's silly to focus on and draw attention to a story (true or not) that has nothing to do with today's issues.  My husband read it as well and made the comment that he wants to write a book about how Obama ate dog as a child.  The point being that both are ridiculous and if they did happen it was decades ago and- who cares?!?!

So if you like political jokes and understand that they are just that jokes and opinions you may like this book.  If you are a person that likes the facts then you may not appreciate the humor in this book.

*This review is my opinion, I was not paid to post this review, but was provided with a free copy of the book*

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