
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Zumba Fitness Core review

I've heard the hype, the good, the bad, and the uncoordinated.  It was time to try Zumba for myself!  So I was happy to have the opportunity to review this new Zumba fitness core wii game.  I will be doing a 4 week challenge and posting about my experience for what I'm sure will be your entertainment.  And no, you can not get a video camera set up to watch me!
So I put the game in, and tried out a song.  I picked a fun swing song because back in the day I used to go to dances almost every weekend and swing was my favorite! And I'm a fairly good dancer if I don't say so myself.  (of course that was 12 years and 5 kids ago)  Still this game definitely brought out the awkwardness that made me glad no one but my hubby could see me. (luckily for me he thinks I'm a rock star)

It was about 4 moves into the dance that I burst out laughing because I FINALLY understood this picture-
I had seen this picture months ago, and as an Ace Ventura fan I loved it instantly.  But it wasn't until tonight that I truly appreciated the meaning of this picture!
After not even making it through the first song all the way I explored the game options a bit more.  There was a place where you could learn the steps (probably should have done that one first!) But sad to say none of the swing moves were in there, which is weird.  It was helpful to see some of the moves slowed down.  Some of them looked impossible when they were on normal speed, hopefully they will be possible with practice!  Maybe it's something that needs to be unlocked as the game is played more. *crossing my fingers*
Then I tried a easier song- oh yea, let me mention that the first song I tried was a High Intensity aka harder level......... lets just say it was a humbling experience and I now know for sure that I'm out of shape.   The easier song was MUCH easier and I actually made it all the way through the whole song.  My confidence was a little restored.  Seeing that I won a bronze award and unlocked a few things was a great reward and helped build me up a little from the first humbling experience.
Overall it was fun, the music selections were good, and even my husband was interested in trying it out!  I'm excited to play it some more!

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