Day 4 of our 12 days of Christmas- each day has a story and a treat or gift idea. Use them for your family, or as a gift to another family!
Treat/gift idea: Ring Pops
The Other
Wise Man
Each year at Christmas we delight to
follow the wise men as they came out of the East and made their way to Bethlehem
where they worshipped the newborn kind and laid treasures at His feet. But
there was a fourth wise man who also followed the star not only to Bethlehem,
but throughout his life, and yet he never found the king. The other wise man’s
name was Artaban. He was a kind of unknown soldier who didn’t quite make the
headlines. He was also one of the Magi and lived in Persia. He was a man of
great wealth, great learning, and great faith. With his learned companions he
had searched the scriptures as to the time that the Savior would be born. They
knew that a new star would appear and it was agreed between them that Artaban
would watch from Persia and the others would observe the sky from Babylon.
On the night that the sign was to be
given, Artaban was speaking to nine of his Magi friends in his home. He said to
them, “My three brethren are watching in Babylon and I am watching here. If the
star appears, they will wait for me for ten days, and then we will all set out
together for Jerusalem. I believe the sign will come tonight. I have made ready
for the journey by selling all of my possessions and have bought these three
jewels: a sapphire, a ruby, and a pearl. I intend to present them as my tribute
to the king.” He said, “I invite you to make the pilgrimage with us that we may
worship the newborn king together.” None of Artaban’s friends would accompany
him, so he decided to make the journey alone.
That night, the new star appeared in
the sky. Artaban bowed his head. “It is the sign,” he said. “The King is
coming, and I will go to meet him.” Artaban immediately got on his horse and
began the long journey to Babylon. After nine days of wearying travel, Artaban
was very near to the city when he saw a man lying in the roadway. The man’s
pale skin bore the mark of a deadly fever. Artaban turned to go, but a sigh
came from the sick man’s lips and the bony fingers touched the Magi’s robe.
Artaban felt sorry that he could not stay to minister to this dying stranger,
as this was the hour toward which his entire life had been directed. He could
not forfeit the reward of his years of study and faith to do a single deed of
human mercy. But then, how could he leave his fellow man to die?
The Magi were physicians as well as
astronomers. He took off his robe and began his work of healing the stranger.
Several hours later the patient regained consciousness. Artaban gave him all he
had left of his bread and wine. He left a potion of healing herbs and
instructions for his care. Though Artaban rode with the greatest haste the rest
of the way, it was after dawn that he arrived at the meeting place. His friends
were gone.
Artaban sat down upon the ground in
despair. “How can I cross the desert alone with no food or drink?” I must
return to the city, sell my sapphire, and buy provisions for the journey.
Several days later when Artaban’s train arrived at Bethlehem
the streets were deserted. It was rumored that Herod was sending soldiers,
presumably to enforce some new tax, and the men had taken their flocks and
herds back into the hills beyond his reach. The door of one dwelling was open,
and Artaban could hear a mother singing a lullaby to her child. He entered and
introduced himself. The woman told him that it was now the third day since the
wise men had appeared in Bethlehem. They had found Joseph and Mary and the
young child, and had laid their gifts at his feet. Then they had disappeared as
mysteriously as they had come. Joseph had taken his wife and babe that same
night and had secretly fled. It was whispered they were going far away into Egypt.
Suddenly outside there arose a wild
confusion. Someone cried, “The soldiers of Herod are killing little children!”
Artaban looked out the doorway and saw soldiers approaching the home. He stood
there calmly. Finally his outstretched hand revealed the giant ruby. He said,
“I am waiting to give this jewel to the prudent captain who will go on his way
and leave this house alone.” The captain took the gem and said to his men,
“March on, there are no children here.”
Then Araban, still following the king, went on to Egypt,
seeking everywhere traces of the Holy family. For many years, Araban continued
his search. Though he found no one to worship, he found many to serve. As the
years passed he fed the hungry, clothed the naked, healed the sick and comforted
the captive. Thirty three years had no passed away since Artaban began his
search. His hair was now white as snow. He knew his life’s end was near but he
was still hoping to find the King. He went for the last time to Jerusalem.
It was the season of the Passover and
the city was thronged with strangers. A large group of people were moving
together toward the city gate. Artaban inquired where they were going. One
answered, “We are going to see the crucifixion of one called Jesus of
Nazareth.” Artaban’s heart filled with despair. For a lifetime, he had searched
for the Savior. Could this be the same person for whom the star had appeared
thirty-three long years ago?
Artaban’s heart beat loudly and he thought, “It may be that I
shall yet find the King and be able to ransom him from death by giving my
treasure to his enemies.” But as he started toward Calvary he saw a troop of
soldiers coming down the street, dragging a sobbing young woman. As Artaban
paused, she broke away from her tormentors and threw herself at his feet, her
arms clasping around his knees.
“Have pity on me,” she cried, “and
save me. My father was also of the Magi, but he is dead, and I am to be sold as
a slave to pay his debts.” Artaban trembled as he again felt the old conflict
arising in his soul. It was the same that he had experienced in the palm grove
of Babylon and in the cottage at Bethlehem. Twice the gift which he had
consecrated to the King had been drawn from his hand to serve humanity. Would
he now fail again? One thing was clear; he must save this girl from evil. He
took the pearl from his pocket. “Daughter, this is the ransom. It is the last
of my treasures which I had hoped to keep for the King.”
Suddenly the sky darkened and the
earth shook and quaked. The soldiers fled in terror. Artaban sank beside a
protecting wall. What had he to fear? What had he to hope for? He had given
away the last remnant of his tribute to the King. The quest was over and he had
failed. What else mattered? A heavy tile fell from a nearby building, striking
Artaban on the head. He lay breathless and pale. The rescued girl leaned over
him fearing he was dead. Then there came a still small voice. Then the lips of
Artaban ebgan to move, as if in answer and she hear him say, “Not so my Lord;
for when saw I thee hungered and fed thee? Or thirsty and gave thee drink? When
saw I thee a stranger and took thee in? Or naked, and clothed thee?
Thirty-three years have I looked for thee; but I have never seen thy face nor
ministered unto thee, my King.” As he ceased, the sweet voice came again. This
time the maid understood the words which said, “Verily, I say unto thee, that
inasmuch as thou hast done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, thou
hast done it unto me.”
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