
Monday, January 28, 2013

Enough is enough

You've probably seen this picture posted on our facebook page already.  It seems there has been a growing fad lately of people posting pictures of their kids holding signs to solicit a million like's.  What's funny to me is that this has all evolved from the annoying emails that said if you forward it on there will be a donation made to some kid dying of some strange disease you've never heard of.
Then after the emails came the facebook posts of the same like, and now it's pictures posting to facebook.  So let me set the record straight-

Forwarding such emails or sharing such pictures or status' on facebook will NOT :

  • cure any disease
  • get donations from some company
  • save your life
  • win you money
  • give you better luck
  • guarantee your spot in heaven
  • prove that you have a heart
  • prove that you believe in God or Jesus Christ
  • feed a hungry child one meal
  • find a home for a animal in a shelter

No one likes the guilt trip at the end of a email about how if you don't forward it you're going to hell, going to have bad luck for a year, obviously have no soul, or that when you die you will have to account for why you didn't forward the email to your maker. (personally I delete them when they're on ones that I forward- I don't like to spread the guilt)

And now the latest fad is people posting pictures of their kids holding a sign saying something like:
"our parents will buy us a puppy if we get 1 million likes"
"my mom will quit smoking if I get a million likes"
"our parents will take us to Disneyland if we get 1 million likes"
Why not just post a picture saying "my parents wont love me unless 1 million people tell them to, otherwise they will beat me tonight"

This is all ridiculous! So let me get this straight, we are teaching our kids that-

  • we have to have the approval of strangers in order to do something nice for our kids
  • it's ok to beg for people to like you
  • you don't have to work hard for something, as long as everyone else agrees with you
  • what is popular is all that's important- forget doing things for the right reasons, lets live our lives based on what everyone else tells us to do
  • if you ask for 1 million likes and you don't get it you're a loser and no one loves you

How about we spend our time teaching our kids that their self worth and success comes from their attitude and doesn't depend on what anyone else thinks?

There's my input on the matter!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much! I'm now following yours as well- love your crafts!
