
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Social Media OVERLOAD!

Social Media
It seems with growing technology options there's a growing pull in multiple directions as to what social media outlets to spend our time on.  What sites will promote our blogs best?  Because in the end we all want the same thing- TRAFFIC! 
Like many other bloggers, I have a life outside of the blogging world.  So I find myself torn between resources and knowing which social media outlets to focus my time on.
Publishing posts on my blog is my first priority.  After all, I need somewhere to send people to! And I want to have updated, useful information posted there that will keep people coming back, and keep them pinning/sharing my blog.
For me, Facebook is my next priority.  I have an automatic setting through Networked Blogs that will automatically post each blog posting to my facebook page with a link and a thumbnail picture.  That saves me a lot of time, but I've also noticed that those auto posts aren't seen by as many people.
Pinterest is next.  I try to keep my pinterest up to date with the blog posts people seem to be most interested in.  I LOVE Pinterest! It drives so much traffic to my blog! If only all other social media outlets would do the same!
Then along comes Twitter.  Although I also have my twitter account set up to automatically post whenever a blog post goes live, I haven't spent much time developing my twitter account and therefore don't have very many followers.  This is one of the areas I need to improve upon.
Google+ is a newcomer in social media.  Some say it will be the new facebook, others simply over look it.  For me, I have it set up- but haven't spent enough time on it to learn the ins and outs yet.  This is area 2 I need to learn more about.
Klout- an online popularity rating site.  Basically this site tells you how much you influence others and how often your name (or blog name) is interacted with on the internet.  You can interact with other Klout members and even give them points.  This is a fun site to play with and seems kind of like a pretend credit/popularity score.  Other than that this site isn't very useful when it comes to networking.  Or at least I haven't found a way to make it so yet.
Instagram- one of the fastest growing apps I've seen lately!  A year ago I got an instagram account, but then read with their new privacy changes at the first of the year that it gives instagram the ability to use and even sell your personal pictures.  Keeping all the profits of course for themselves.  So it was enough to scare me away from using the app.  But since it has really boomed this year there must be more to the story.  I plan on learning more and to start using the app in the future.
Now those are the ones that I've worked with or looked into.  I'm sure there are more out there, but really who has that much time?!!?!?  What I would like to see, and it probably exists and I just don't know about it, is an app that will help combine all these resources and make it so that the updates put into one will be shared with all.  A hub center where bloggers can track their followers from multiple social media sites, post one time to be shared in all, and cross promote as well.  
If this program exists please let me know! I'm dying of Social Media Overload!!  If it doesn't exist and you have the ability- create it! (just don't forget to send me a commission!)
Meanwhile I'm working on ways to network with other bloggers so we can all help each other out with the latest trends, news, events and more.  Come join us on facebook- A to Z for Blogs Like Me.

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