
Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Updates- it's about time!

This has been one crazy year!! It's about time I share a few updates-

I've been debating about moving this blog to it's own domain, since starting this blog in 2009 the name "A to Z for Moms Like Me" apparently has gained some popularity and someone purchased it as a domain to sell and wants $3,000 for it! PASS!  I was however able to get a similar domain and eventually I do plan to move everything to the new domain and have this one forward to it (don't worry the posts will all still be available and get moved as well)  But the process takes time- which I have not made a priority as of yet... but it's in the works.  On my list of things to do eventually..... Along with the move, and as my family grows, the blog will also grow and adapt.  We plan on doing more product reviews again, and will be doing more travel reviews as well.

In about March of this year I realized a large portion of what I post on this blog is recipes, however since there are so many other type of posts as well it's easy for the recipes to get lost. 
As I got more involved with some Dave Ramsey groups on facebook it was clear that something a lot of people were in need of help and information for was not only budgeting in general, but when it comes to food and feeding a family.

And so was born my new blog- and the reason for being MIA for a few months as setting it up has consumed a lot of my months.
The new blog is all about feeding a family on a budget.  It shares my recipes (some that are also shared on this blog- and some new ones) as well as couponing tutorials, budgeting ideas, canning, and so forth.  We even did a 30 day budget share where we posted everything our family ate, bought, and made for 30 days and how we stuck to a budget.  The new blog is a lot better organized and easier to find things as well.

Then this summer my son was able to participate in an amazing summer school program through our local university- it's call SUU Prep and is STEM based learning for advanced students, he LOVED it! Towards the end of the program they announced that the director of the program was resigning and they were looking for another director- it was right up my alley so I applied and got the job!  It's part time and the majority of it I do from home so once in a groove it should fit in my routine nicely.

Those are the major things- along with the typical kids, family, neighbors, friends, work, travel and general life stuff that has kept me busy as a bee!

Thanks for being a follower and my hope is that you find value, inspiration, or motivation in some way from this blog :)

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