
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

2013 Ultimate Blog Party Post!

Ultimate Blog Party 2013

For April 5th through the 12th we will be participating in The Ultimate Blog Party!!  Welcome to the party!  If you're new to it like I am this year here's a basic rundown of it- lots of blogs are participating and introducing themselves to new readers, some blogs (like ours) is also offering a giveaway item! (be sure to enter to win our $30 Tupperware Gift Certificate on So here is my introduction-
First of all, THANK YOU for stopping by! I'm so glad you chose to spend a few of your minutes reading my blog :)

My name is JoDee Mason, I am a stay at home mom with 5 kids ranging in ages from 11-1 (and we're not done yet). This is me, although the picture is a few years old- I'm really not photogenic at all so when I do get a good picture I use it for years!  Plus this one is like a glamour shots one and seriously who doesn't want to look all fancy pantsy and glamorous when meeting new people?!?  So if we ever meet in person (hopefully it's not one of the no make-up, cleaning clothes, ponytail days)  feel free to say hello and although I wont be offended if you say I don't look just like my picture, I will however be completely flattered  and it will make my day if you say I do! /ramble

As a yellow personality, Gemini, and redhead when I read the word "Party" I was instantly in!  Life is a party, ok a social event.  Even if that party includes a clean up party, pity party, nap party, or treasure hunt party (these usually happen when we can't find something at our house).  And sometimes the social event is with the quiet-impaired, anti-cleaning, exercise machines running around our house (aka kids).

There are too many great things to do in life so my goal is to try or do as many of them as possible!  My mom is a regular Martha Stewart with many talents, being raised by her I was exposed to a lot of different creative outlets as a child.  So this blog was born to share with you some of the ideas, projects, activities, products, recipes, and anything else that happens in my life. (I hope you enjoy them and find them useful!)

If there is ever anything you'd like to learn more about and don't see on my blog, please send me an email and I'll see what I can do!

Educational and work experiences:
Sign Language interpreter & high school teacher, EMT (both basic and intermediate), Victim Advocacy (I am a certified Utah state trainer for UCASA and UDVC), web page designer/graphic designer, Rapid Eye Technician, book author, public speaker, and multiple business owner.

The list of things I enjoy doing would be far too long!  The basic things I share on my blog are: Recipes, Sewing, Scrap booking, Food Storage, Crafts, Product & Movie/TV Reviews and Pinterest projects.

I LOVE pinterest!!  I've devoted the A to Z for moms like me pinterest page for all projects that I have already done, or will be doing.  My personal pinterest page is for the dreams and ideas, but the blog one is for ACTION!!!  I love that it keeps me on task!

We are moving from Utah to Arizona this week so I'm a little nervous about internet connection availability.  Please feel free to leave me a comment, and if you leave your blog address I'd be happy to visit it and return the favor!

Once again, Thank you for stopping by!

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  1. Stopping by the UBP13 to say Hello!! Hope you have a fabulous week :)

  2. I actually just ran into a reader of mine in the grocery store and she goes "Oh I read your blog!" It was totally a sweatpants, crazy curly hair and glasses with no makeup day! I can't believe she even recognized me because I definitely don't paste pics of me like that on my blog!

    Busy Busy! That probably is crazy going from your son's homework to daughters!

    Stopping by to say hi from the Ultimate Blog Party!

  3. Thank you for your comments! I've been with minimal internet usage from this move, but I'll go check out your sites right now!

    Cher- I hate when that happens!!

  4. Well darn, we just missed meeting in person then, lol. Why the move to Arizona? I'm excited to start following you. And so sorry it took me a bit to make it back here after you stopped by my blog - Home Maid Simple.

    I hope you're move is going semi-smoothly. I've done it far too often to know it can take awhile to get back to normal.

  5. I like that "life is a party" attitude... I think I should treat life like that more.

    As for using old photos, my FB photo with my girls is 2 yrs old.

    Thx for joining the UBP
