
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

How to make pasta

Homemade pasta is something I've always wanted to make, but have never tried.  I thought it would be much harder and more mess, but it really wasn't that bad.  So here's how to make homemade pasta-

I mixed the dough in my kitchen aid mixer until it was in a ball.  Here's the ingredients:
1 cup flour
pinch of salt
1 egg
1 T olive oil
3-4 T water (add slowly until dough forms a ball)

Once it was in a ball I put it out on my counter with a little flour to make sure it was all kneaded and not sticky.

Take half of the dough and place it into your pasta attachment for the kitchen aid.  (If you don't have one of these you can hand roll out the dough)

I noticed there were holes in the dough as it came out.  So with a little trial and error I found that if I folded the dough as it came out into thirds or fourths then put it through again it would turn out better.  Some times I had to fold it and put it in a couple times before the end result was as I wanted it.

Once I had 2 long flat strips I laid them on my counter.

I tried rolling and cutting the noodles like I had seen on TV and Pintrest, but apparently this was beyond my beginner skills because they kept sticking to each other.  I'll have to practice more.
If you were going to make lasagna, or ravioli you would use this pasta as is.  But I wanted noodles for my Homemade Turkey Soup.

here are a few of my failed attempts at cutting the noodles- I tried rolling and folding them, added flour, but they still stuck together.

So then I pulled out the Fettuccine attachment for my kitchen aid!  Easy!

Once the pasta had been cut for me I just shortened it to the length I wanted.

Then I dropped the noodles into the crock pot of Turkey soup.  It only took a couple minutes for them to cook.

Now that I've overcome this fear of making pasta I'm excited to try spinach, whole wheat, and other varieties and let them dry then put them in my food storage. I may have to freeze them though- I'll have to look up storage suggestions for safety.

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