
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Easy Dry Erase Chore Charts

To simplify chores at our house we have a rotating system so each kid will have each chore once a week.  This way there is no complaints of someone "always having the hardest chore" etc.  Since the standard of what gets done sometimes vary's from child to child I printed up these check lists, this is how we use them-
The check lists were put into a picture frame (all of $4 at Walmart).  The glass on the picture frame works as a dry erase board.  So I can write the child's name by the chore each day and then they can use the dry erase marker to check off things as they clean them.

It's helped make a clear understanding of what's expected of them and keeps them on task.
The marker erases easily off the glass.  They are hanging in the hallway where they can easily be accessed with a marker close by.
You could also make a marker holder at the top of the picture frame like I did with my to do list and menu for my kitchen using ribbon and Velcro.

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