
Monday, May 5, 2014

Royal Pains

A new tv series I've discovered recently on Netflix is Royal Pains.  It's pretty good! Especially for someone like me that likes doctor shows.  The basic rundown of the show is a ER Dr. "Hank" makes a triage call about 2 patients in the ER and by a fluke accident one of them dies.  It just so happens that the one that dies was a billionaire that supported the hospital and had a lot of influence.  The family of this billionaire basically sees that not only does Hank get fired, but blackballed from being hired at any other hospital in the area.
After then falling into a deep depression Hank's brother Evan convinces him to go to the Hamptons for a weekend get away.  Once there they attend a party where one of the guests is in need of medical assistance and Hank is there to save her life.  The next day people start calling his cell phone wanting him to come to their house to help with medical needs, and he also has a woman named Divia show up offering to be his PA (Physician's Assistant)

Hank is uncomfortable with the situation at first, but between his desire to help people and his brother Evan's business focus they set up a concierge doctor business for the Hamptons.  Hank and Divia go to the homes of rich people and help with their medical needs, but being the good guy Hank is he is also always helping those who can't afford his services at no charge.

I really like the way the character Hank is written.  He's a modern day Superman/boy scout personality.  He has great ethics, honesty, loyal, the desire to help others and has integrity which is something more people in the world need.

The show is ongoing and although I'm only in the 3rd season I've enjoyed watching it!  There are currently 6 seasons total.

I hope you enjoy watching it as much as I have.

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