
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Summer To Do List

Today is my kids' last day of school! So to keep us on track this Summer and making sure the kids know even though we'll be getting some serious cleaning and organizing done, there'll be time for fun stuff too!  I've come up with a Summer To Do List!  Here's my list below- What's on your Summer list?

Summer To Do List
·    Go through ALL clothes
·    Bradys Birthday Party
·    Girls Camp/Daddy fun time!
·    Jordans Birthday Party
·    Organize closets
·    Picnic up the Mountain
·    Swimming Pool
·    Detail both cars
·    Clean up & organize porch
·    BBQ with friends
·    D & D / Game night
·    School Clothes Shopping
·    Write letters to family & friends
·    Organize food storage room
·    Clean & organize areas of the house
·    Make freezer meals & popsicles
·    Go to the movies

·    Camping

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