
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Homemade Pizza on the BBQ

We've been wanting to try this out for awhile now and finally got around to it, and boy have we been missing out!!!  Homemade pizza's cooked on the BBQ!!!  They were the best pizzas ever! We will be making all our pizza's like this from now on.  It was pretty simple to do and great for Summer time when you don't want to heat up the house anyway.
For the dough I used Rhode's frozen bread loaves.  We let them defrost and raise during the day then cut portions off big enough for each of the kids to make their own personal pan size pizza.

The kids had a BLAST playing with the dough and creating their own crust about the size of a paper plate.  Once you have the pizzas stretched and rolled out (we just did them by hand) you'll want all your toppings outside next to your grill.

Before putting your crust on the grill, brush it with olive oil then put it oil side down on the grill.  Then brush the top side with olive oil as well.  This helps it from sticking to the grill.  You could also used infused olive oil (flavored with herbs etc) or even add herbs to it I bet and it'd be fabulous! We'll try that next time!

Once the bottom is cooked, flip it over and then put your sauce, cheese and toppings on the pizza.  Close the grill and let the heat melt the cheese while cooking the bottom of the crust.

Addie's was the first one done since it was also the smallest and she was so excited to help be a part of making her own dinner!

The rest of the pizzas were devoured before I could get a decent picture!!  I did get this one picture of a slice of one of them though-

Seriously this was the BEST pizza ever!!!  It's morning time as I'm typing this and it sounds good even now!  We will for sure be making this a lot this Summer!  It's a win-win because my husband is the grill man, it doesn't heat up the house, doesn't create messy pans to wash, and I don't have to make it!  Come to think of it, we may need to make this at least once a week.

*Update- we tried it with herbs in the olive oil and it was amazing!  We've found the best way to cook these is to have them on direct heat for a short time to cook the bottom, then flip them and put on indirect heat, place the sauce and toppings on then close the bbq lid and let the bottom cook while the toppings do which both takes a little longer.  AND I actually got a picture of one this time!!

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