
Monday, June 30, 2014

Survivor Newby

The show Survivor is one that I had only ever seen one or two episodes of but never really got that into.  That is until lately- it seems that the more I am bed-ridden and homebound with this pregnancy the more desperate I've become to find  things to watch and keep busy with (at least to the level of activity I'm able to do)  So now I'm a Survivor Newby.  So far I've seen a few seasons and holy cow!!!
I had no idea there were something like 26 seasons of Survivor!?!?!?  Unfortunately Netflix only goes back so far so I had to start with season 12.

This has been one of those shows that makes me appreciate even my circumstances while sick in bed.  Sad to say seeing others miserable and struggling makes me feel a little better, especially while I eat cookies and things while they talk about being starving lol   I know, that's so twisted and wrong.  But misery does love company!

The show is interesting to me how it seems that each season people make the same mistakes- do they not watch the show before being on it??  Example: don't start off by being a leader, or bossy.  Those are the first to get voted off.  Second, make yourself useful and don't annoy people.  The useless and annoying people are next to go.  If you don't do good at challenges you sure as heck better make yourself invaluable around camp and well liked!

Even though the challenges aren't always physical, it sure helps to be in good shape.  And so far every season has been by water and had a lot of water challenges so make sure you know how to swim well!

And apparently they have a book that tells them all the plants and animals in the area they can eat and which to avoid yet film crew says it's rarely used or referred to.  Hello?!?!?  If you're laying around starving FIX IT! Find something to eat!

It surprises me each time I see one tribe starving while another tribe has become resourceful and found things to eat.  Common sense people- it is SURVIVOR, not whiners.

Although I don't think I could ever stand a chance in most of the challenges being so out of shape myself, I do think I could do pretty well with the camp stuff since it seems to be mostly about being resourceful and having common sense while being willing to actually DO things.  Now, come up with a reality survivor show that's about being a mom and I'm THERE!

I would actually love to be in a type of reality show where contestants have challenges they have to be creative and resourceful with- like if they did do a mom's survival show: throwing a party for 12 kids with $20, who can last the longest with 10 crying kids, testing skills while being waken up every hour, and so on.  I would totally be down with that!!  It would be the easiest million dollars ever!

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