
Monday, June 2, 2014

Water Gun Birthday Party

This year Brady wanted a water gun birthday party.  EASY!  And probably the cheapest party to throw ever!  The picture above is the invitation I designed, then uploaded to Walmart and had them printed off in 4x6 pictures.  It cost me $3 to get 16 invitations printed.

Other than my lack of realizing we were having the party at the hottest time of the day in AZ as Summer was starting, it all went pretty well!

We gave each kid a large water gun full of water when they got to the park- those only cost just under $1 each.  They had fun squirting each other while we waited for more to arrive.

Next we gave the kids water balloons and with a partner they tossed them back and forth, taking a step back each time they caught the water balloon.......... with a bunch of 7 year olds this game went through 24 water balloons pretty fast lol  Sadly it was over before I could even get pictures of them playing it!

Then we grouped the kids up into pairs and gave each pair a pillow case.  They lined up with their pillow cases held between the two of them and we put a water balloon on the first pillow case.  Then they had to toss the balloon to the next pair's pillow case by bouncing and pulling the pillow case.  We had to rotate positions in this game as well because I think the most 1 water balloon ever traveled was to 2 MAYBE 3 pillow cases!

After the games we gave each kid a twin popsicle, because lets face it, popsicles are more fun in the heat than a cupcake.  

Then Brady opened his presents, which included some more water guns!

When it was time for everyone to go home we gave each boy a full sized balloon that had some treasures inside including a small water gun and candy.

Filling the balloons wasn't that hard- although I did end up with a blister on one of my fingers.  All in the name of fun though right?

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