
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

In case you missed it on facebook

I've been waiting and searching pinterest ideas for just over a month now to do an official announcement and finally got this collage put together to share!  In case you missed it on facebook- ok if you missed it you need to like us on facebook and make sure you get our notifications! (I promise I don't post that often on there so your news feed wont be blown up)
We are expecting another girl! Due September 16th.

So there you have it!! We're super excited!  And although I was extremely sick in bed for the first 4 months I'm doing much better now- aside from the typical stuff like difficulty rolling over in bed or bending over.  Needless to say my kids and hubby have been very helpful and Scott is getting good at painting toenails!

We do have one name picked out that we like, however we're open to hearing more names we may like better- so feel free to share some name ideas!

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