
Thursday, July 17, 2014

Extreme patience or simple minded?

You've probably heard that saying "simple toys for simple minds" or something along those lines.  Well today's experience made me wonder if being easily entertained is just a matter of extreme patience and satisfaction with life rather than a simple minded.
My 2 1/2 year old Addie is very self entertaining.  She will play by herself quite contently for a long time- usually until an older sibling interrupts her and tries to get involved with what she's doing.  One of her favorite things to do since she was pretty young is to load and unload things.  For example, I keep her hair ponytails in a wipe box, she loves to take them all out, then put them back in.  It will keep her entertained for a long time.

Today she got some new books in the mail and after falling asleep playing with them for about 30 minutes (see picture above) she woke up from her nap and continued to play with them for a good 3 hours.  Now when I say "play" with them it basically means she would dump them out of the box then put them back in and dump them again.

I now understand how kids can sit through an episode of Mr. Rogers fully entertained.

Here's a little sample of what she did for 3 hours.

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