
Thursday, August 21, 2014

I'm too cool to donate

If you haven't heard about the recent ice or bucket of water challenges gaining popularity in the last 6 months you're probably living under a rock.  That or you just don't care to give attention to silly fads.  This one has become one that basically says "I'm too cool to donate to charity so I'll get water dumped on me so everyone can see how cool I am"  Let me sum up the challenge for those who may reside under rocks, or not pay attention to trending and popularity contests. (both are totally okay, count yourself lucky!)
Basically the run down is this:
You get "challenged" by someone to make a choice-
A) make a donation to a charity (I've seen a couple different charities mentioned)
         Originally this donation was 1 hour of your wage, but I've also heard it as a set amount of $100.
OR you can choose
B) have someone dump a bucket of ice or water (again I've seen both) on yourself, video it, and post it online.

So what's happened? Celebrities, politicians, and average Joe's have been posting videos like crazy of themselves getting soaked with ice or water. I'm curious, is ANYONE donating to charity? Technically after doing a bit more research into this fad, you are supposed to donate $10 after doing the challenge, or $100 if you don't do it.  But I doubt many people who have actually done the challenge still donated $10.  It seems to be considered a "fine print" that most overlook, or doesn't get passed along.  So everyone just hops on the "do it to look cool" bandwagon without really knowing what it's about and how you're supposed to participate.  Maybe the focus on the videos should include telling people how cheap you are and that you'd rather get wet and only donate $10 (or nothing) than to donate $100 to a good cause.

 It seems like this has become something that has become more cool to video yourself getting wet than to actually donate to a charity.  Of course donating to a charity is something that no one see's and isn't that what everyone's concerned with these days? Recognition for every little action.  Heck people post their every action on twitter and facebook as if the world really wants to know what they ate for dinner or when they're going to the bathroom.  Is society becoming more and more narcissistic?


  1. To date, it has raised over $40 million.

  2. That's AWESOME!!! Just imagine how much it'd be if everyone actually donated. Hopefully people do their research and it raises awareness and support rather than just becoming a meaningless fad.
