
Friday, August 1, 2014

Jello Meringue Cookies

One of our Summer experiments were Jello Meringue Cookies.  It was a fun experiment!  You can use any flavor of Jello you like.  For our batch we did half grape and half peach.  FYI- the grape weren't as good as we thought they'd be, but the peach ones were awesome!  These would be way cute to make for cake decorations!
Since meringue is basically egg whites and sugar it's a pretty easy recipe to make-  I found this recipe on Pinterest, she used koolaid but I thought Jello would taste better. Smart School House

So the recipe I did was:
4 egg whites- beat until foamy then add
1 cup sugar- add slowly while beating the egg whites
1/2 t. cream of tartar

Beat the meringue until it forms peaks that will stand on their own.  Divide the meringue if you want to make more than one flavor.  Add jello flavoring of choice- I just added to taste and did about 2 T for each 1/2 batch.  I also added food coloring to make the color stand out more.

Put into a frosting bag with any type of tip you like.  If you don't have a frosting bag or cake decorating tips you can put it into a ziploc bag and cut off a small corner. (I did this for the peach ones- but it kind of makes them look more like colored poop than a cookie in my opinion)

Bake for 45 mins at 225 degrees.

Some of these got cracked by curious kids......  They make a light, crispy, sweet cookie.

Overall, they weren't my favorite type of cookie, but the kids enjoyed them and it was a fun experiment.  It would be a good recipe to make some mini flowers or designs to decorate a cake with though- they would be sturdy and quick to decorate with.

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