
Thursday, July 31, 2014

How to make fabric flowers

Use them on clothes, in your hair, home decor, purse, or any other use! Fabric flowers are so cute!  And now I'll show you how easy they are to make.  You can now have matching flowers for just about everything!  These 2 were ones I made for one of the outfits for the new baby at the hospital.
I made 2 different sizes, the cool thing about these flowers is you can make them whatever size you want.  I made a small one I hand sewed onto the nightgown (I'll be posting a tutorial how to make this gown soon) and a larger one to attach to a headband.

First you will need to cut your circles out of the fabric you want.  I found it easiest to fold the fabric until I had 8 layers then fold it in half and cut a half circle on the fold, but however you want to do it!  You'll want at least 2 different sizes for each flower I just cut the purple layer about 1/4" smaller than the turquoise one.  If you want a fuller flower you could do 3-4 layers.
You will also need something for the middle.  I found these cute sparkly buttons at Walmart.

To start assembling the flower take each circle (starting with the larger ones) fold them in half, then fold one side towards the front and the other side towards the back so it looks like the picture above.

Hot glue the folded circle to a back- you can use felt which will be more sturdy for older girls etc, but since mine were for a newborn I didn't want them too stiff.  And I didn't have any felt on hand, so I used one of my extra circles. (even though I cut 8 out you'll only need 6 of each size per flower).

Keep gluing the circles on next to each other.

Once you have the first layer all glued on, start with the second layer, doing the same thing.  When I glued the second layer on I staggered it so that the lines between each piece from the bottom layer were covered by the second layer.

And at last glue your button or other center part in.

Now you can do whatever you want with it- glue it to a hair clip, sew it on something, etc.  As I mentioned above I sewed the smaller flower onto the baby night gown.  This larger one I attached to a headband- here's a few pictures of that process.

After attaching the stretchy lace I glued another circle on the back so the rough edges and glue wouldn't tangle or scratch the baby's head.


  1. This is really cute! I haven't seen flowers done like this before. Now I just need a girl! ;)

  2. So cute! Thanks for sharing! I'm going to have to come back to this :)
