
Monday, September 8, 2014

Finding Carter

I recently started watching a new show that caught my attention on Hulu.  It's called Finding Carter.  It's about a girl that was kidnapped when she was 3, now that she's 15 she happens to get in trouble one night with some friends and while waiting at the police station for her mom to pick her up it's discovered that her mom is not her mom.  She's returned to her real family only to learn that she has not only a twin sister, but a younger brother.  To make things more dramatic, her real mom is a police officer.
The assimilation into her new life brings up all sorts of emotional challenges as she tries to find who she really is- the person she was born as, or the person she was raised for 13 years believing she was.  The woman who raised her treated her well, gave her lots of freedom, and they had a great relationship, in contrast to her overbearing and overprotective cop for a mom she was returned to who desperately wants to reconnect with her daughter who fights her at every turn.

And if that isn't enough drama for you, there's also the fact that her dad (her real dad) is a book author of a book about when she was kidnapped, and now is planning to write the sequel of finding her.  And of course there's a few relationship twists and turns you would expect to see from both adults and teenagers.

So far I'm enjoying the show.  I did not enjoy however, the 21 day delay in posting episodes to hulu after the first 2 episodes.  Hopefully that doesn't happen again.

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