
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

You're Guilty!

Something that has been on my mind for quite some time now is how disconnected society has become.  Connected through social media, but disconnected in reality.  People don't spend time together face to face as much, we do less for each other, we don't know our neighbors anymore, we hardly say hi to people in passing, we shut ourselves in our houses and figure since we're "online" we're keeping in touch and making a difference.  We're guilty.  I'm guilty, you're guilty.  We are all guilty of creating what the world has become.  Since I am a problem solver by personality, what can we do to fix it?
So here is my challenge to you (and myself) for the next week.  You can do anything for a week right? It's only 7 days, give it a try and see how it changes your life.  And please share your experience!

For starters we can "unplug" even if it's just for a hour a day that we would normally spend watching TV, playing online on facebook, pinterest, or the like.
Close the laptop, mute the cell phone, turn off the TV and LIVE LIFE!  Pretend the power is out.  Spend time with your family doing some of the things that you used to do as a kid.  Go for a picnic, play a sport, play a board game, take a treat to a neighbor, heck just sit around and talk!

Next, take a few minutes to call someone you haven't talked to in awhile.  Maybe it's someone you've been meaning to call but keep forgetting or are worried about imposing on their time.  Call just to say hi and see how they are.  Catch up, reconnect.

Write 1 letter.  Hand written, ok even typed if your handwriting is THAT bad.  Send a letter to someone.  A birthday or other card, or just a letter to surprise someone and make their day.  Say something nice about them, something you admire, or share a fond memory.

Visit someone.  Go to their house, take them a treat, invite someone to your house, invite someone to lunch or dinner with you.

Let's make a goal for the next 7 days to live our life and put people and relationships first.  Especially our family and children.  Live in the moment, not the facebook status :)

I will be sharing my experience for the next week- and if I can do it anyone can! I'll be having a baby this week, so no excuses!!

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