
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Amazing Manifesting Skills!

Amazing Manifesting Skills!
A couple weeks back I listed my boys bedroom stuff on ebay.  They had an entire room of Disney's Cars theme- Curtains, sheets, chairs, area rug, and throw blanket.  As it turns out- the set was retired and no longer available which meant it had kept it's value!  So basically I ended up selling almost everything at the price I bought it (3 years ago) or more!

My 3 boys ages 7, 5 and 3 share a bedroom.  This works out normally pretty good- UNTIL it came time to choose a new bedroom theme.  The two younger ones liked Toy Story, or Mickey Mouse Play House.  The oldest wasn't interested in those of course.  Then since the two oldest agreed on Bakugan I figured the 3 year old isn't old enough to really care like they will so his vote was overlooked by me. (That and for the fact that I was ready to be done choosing already!)

Then after searching, it turns out Bakugan sheet sets are only available at Ebay..... and people wanted around $40 for them!! ummmmm not going to happen.  I found some on Amazon for $19.50 but that meant I'd be without curtains for a week or two until they were shipped here. (I'm turning the top sheet from one of the sets into curtains)  My husband had pretty much talked me out of doing any theme and just going with plain solid colors to save money(how boring) and as I drove to the store and was passing Big Lots I just couldn't resist going in to see what they have.

Lo and behold in a random place by their sheets they had 2 twin sized Bakugan sheet sets that were totally out of place, and the last ones!  PLUS they were priced at only $13!!!  So not only did I save money, but the boys got the sheet set they wanted, AND I don't have to wait for weeks for curtains for their room!

Now THAT is some good manifesting!  This is a tool I learned years ago while doing Rapid Eye- the key is to know what you want, know you will get it, and put it in the back of your mind.  Don't try and figure out how or when it will happen, just have faith that it will be taken care of and it will!

Try it! Good luck!


  1. I am your newest follower from the blog hop. I am hoping you can follow me back at
    God Bless,

  2. Wow I love when things like this happen to me. Following you back from whatever blog hop you came from! :)
    Julie from A Year with Mom & Dad

  3. Hello. Following from EcoModern Mom, found you on FF. Have a good weekend!

    Stacey @

  4. Following you from Friday Blog Hops! Loving your blog already :)


  5. That's really neat JoDee! It's always amazing to me when things like that happen. From the huge to the small, I always am grateful.
