
Monday, July 9, 2012

Farewell Exchange Students!

For the past 3 weeks we have had 4 exchange students living with us from Taiwan.  All 4 are teenage boys.  2 of them are 14, and 2 are 15.  It's been a wonderful experience!  Although we've had a houseful, it was fun for my kids to be exposed to a different culture and to learn about Taiwan and even a little bit of their language!! They taught me Twinkle, Twinkle little star in Chinese.
 And how to count to 5.  In 3 weeks that sounds silly to have that the only Chinese I learned but it was hard to remember those! (and this is coming from someone who had languages as a major in college!)  They each had an American name because their Chinese names are hard to pronounce for us Westerners- in the picture from left to right their names are: Nelson, James, Birdie, and Henry.

This was our last night having them at our house- we gave them each a Tupperware flag tumbler filled with some candy and of course Kool-aid! And a small USA flag, and a mini scrapbook.

Our kids had a lot of fun having them stay with us.  Our boys gave up their room and slept on the couch (big sacrifice since they already ask to sleep on the couch every night anyway! haha)  This picture was taken when we all went to see the Utah Shakespearean Festival Green Show- Brady was holding on to their hands walking with them.
If you ever get the chance to host exchange students I highly recommend it! It was so much fun!

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