
Monday, December 3, 2012

Guest Post from Mark Victor Hansen

Today I am pleased to share with you a guest post from writer Mark Victor Hansen, author of the books Chicken Soup for the soul (and it's many variations).
How a personal challenge opened my eyes to a world problem

It was my kindergarten teacher who found out that I had a reading disability. I had no clue until she tested me and came to the conclusion that I was going to find reading hard. I adored my teacher – she genuinely cared about me. So when she thought it best that I take up remedial reading, I took up her advice. My English tutor was just as amazing as my teacher. She was extremely patient as she sat with me day after day, helping me with my reading. She was considerate and kind, a real pillar of support.

My parents were not too liberal when it came to meeting my teachers. They were immigrants and mainly spoke Danish. They were conscious, I suppose, that someone would pick on their inability to converse in English. I personally haven’t really witnessed an educated person make fun of someone for being uneducated, but I don’t blame them for their fear. It seems to go with the culture.

What I learned as a person who had to work hard to pick up English was that English is not just another language that you may or may not know. English is the language – the language you have to know. The entire world, joined across international borders, communicates using English. It’s become the need of the hour. Today, many universities have schools dedicated to teaching English as a Second Language. My first Alma Mater, Southern Illinois University, boasts of one of the world’s best ESL schools. It teaches English to kids in Vietnam and China. I think this cross border education is what will bail America out.

The point is the teaching process. Some people are taught to read and write by their parents and then they go on to teach their kids. So why can’t these kids turn around and teach their grandparents? Volunteering to teach someone something is an amazing act – and today, the need for volunteers to teach English is high. I believe, maybe because of my own experience, that whether the entity that taught you to speak English was a school, university or person, what they really did was give you a great gift.

When you teach someone to read and write English, you open up a whole new set of doors for them. They can see the world through a clearer perception, see things that they couldn’t earlier. Reading lets them touch new horizons. More than teaching someone to read, teach them to love reading. Then they’ll have the liberty of exploring new worlds and opinions through a book. Show them the joys of visiting bookstores and they will grow; and a part of you will come alive at the fact that you are helping someone better their life.
Thank you!
Check out Mark's new book-

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