
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

How to improve your energy and health

There are many degrees of health when it comes to people.  From the gym rats who survive off of protein shakes & organic food, to the people who eat only fast food and consider walking to the car exercise.  And all sorts of variations and combinations in between.  Until recently, I've always considered myself on the more healthy side of average.  Although our habits could be better, we don't eat out very often, and buy little processed food since most of our meals are made from scratch.  When it comes to exercise we live a busy life and don't always get specific exercises in, but we don't sit on the couch all day either.  No matter where you're at in this spectrum there's a way that you can easily improve your health and energy, it's simple, anyone can do it, and it will make a drastic difference!  Here's how-
First let me tell you a little about my history-

Like I mentioned above, I've always been pretty healthy when it comes to eating.  I rarely drink soda, and usually the only processed food in my house is cold cereal.
As far as exercise- I'm a yellow personality, so if it's not fun I wont do it! Combine that with my social and codependent personality traits and it makes finding exercise that I'll stick with challenging.
For as long as I can remember I am the type of person that gets tired in the afternoon about 1-3pm every day.  Feeling like I need a nap and will take one if I can (and not just a 30 minute nap, we're talking like 2 hours.  This girl knows how to sleep)  It's partially due to a thyroid issue I was told years ago and have taken supplements and natural remedies but didn't notice a big difference.

In the Fall of 2015 I started taking a multivitamin from Herbalife.  In my research and experience it was the best multivitamin I had found/seen/tried.  I also ordered some wraps and greens from itworks.  The only thing I noticed from the wraps was stretchmarks being less visible.  The greens I didn't notice any difference, but was taking them with the faith that they were giving my body some healthy nutrients.

The biggest difference I noticed once I started taking the Herbalife was instead of getting tired around 1-3pm I would be ok, but then come 5-6pm would be exhausted to the point that getting my family dinner took all the last energy I had and then it was time for me to lay down for the night!
After months of this I had come to the conclusion that this was just how life was for me.  Maybe it was a seasonal thing, or maybe my body had a virus of some sort.  So I lived with it, mostly because there wasn't any other option but to.

Then in January 2016 a friend introduced me to Thrive by Le-Vel.  She told me how it was a supplement containing everything your body needs on a daily basis and will fill in any nutritional gaps and deficiencies.  So I was open to trying it and she sent me a 3 day sample.
In complete honesty I had no intention of purchasing the product or doing anything more than the free 3 day sample she sent me.  (I'm not one to jump on bandwagons of trends etc)

I got my samples on a Thursday and was ready to start taking them Friday.  I stopped taking the Herbalife while taking my Thrive sample.

Here's my experience with Thrive:
Day 1-
Woke up, took the capsules.  Put the drink mix in a smoothie and called it breakfast.
(it's important to note that the drink mix is NOT a meal replacement, I have a horrible habit of not eating breakfast that I'm trying to break so putting it in a smoothie was a great option for me)
Showered and put on the DFT (Dermal Fusion Technology) sticker/patch.

Later in the day I was super shaky, and my first reaction was to be unsure about continuing to take Thrive- but then I remembered that my friend had told me that I would experience dizziness and shakiness  if I wasn't eating or drinking water while taking Thrive.  And I realized it was 2pm and I hadn't had anything to eat since my morning smoothie!  So I ate some food and was fine.  The shaking stopped.  *You HAVE to eat food and drink water!!
All day long I had lots of energy.  I didn't experience my typical afternoon crash of feeling tired or wanting a nap, and still didn't feel it by evening time.  I was doing good!
By 11pm my hubby and I were going to bed, and as he passed out seconds after hitting the pillow I stayed up looking at Pinterest for another 30 minutes, then chose to go to bed.  I didn't feel physically exhausted and like I HAD to go to bed, but like it was a choice.

*side note- I don't know how it is for other people, but for me when I sleep at night, whenever I roll over or move to get more comfortable I am conscientious (sp? that doesn't look right- hopefully you know what I mean).  Not fully awake necessarily, but aware that I'm moving, and sometimes my eyes even open and I look at my pillow or something.  Then in the morning I will be mentally awake, but roll over to get more comfortable and try to go back to sleep for a little longer before opening my eyes and starting the day.  Sometimes listening to kids etc.

Day 2-
The next morning the best way I can describe it is like a light switch was turned on.  It was like "ding" and I was awake, alert, eyes opened and ready to start the day.  I didn't remember rolling over or moving at all in the night- I slept like a rock!  I wasn't achy, groggy, or sore like most mornings. I was ready to go!
So I followed the same pattern in taking the Thrive as I had the day before.  Still not 100% sure about the product and figuring it could have been a fluke...... I probably just had a really good day, and then slept really well that night.....
All that day on the second day I had lots of energy again.  Once again I didn't experience any afternoon or early evening crash or needing a nap.  I went to bed at 10:30pm and again it was a choice to go to bed- not out of a need or being so physically exhausted.

So by the end of day 2 I was sold!!  This product was pretty cool!

Day 3-
I once again took Thrive the way I was supposed to- capsules, drink, sticker/patch.
Once again I had lots of energy all day.  And this was even a bigger day because if there is any day during the week that I'm going to get a nap in it's Sunday afternoon.   But I didn't need a nap for probably the first time in my life!

This day just solidified my opinion that the product was worth purchasing.

Then came Day 4-
I no longer had any Thrive samples left, and on top of that I didn't take my Herbalife vitamins.  So day 4 was like going back to how I felt 6 months before.  Before I started taking any vitamins.  I felt like CRAP!!!  Come 1pm I was a zombie.  I was dragging for the rest of the day.  My body felt achy and tired and I wanted to just go to bed for the night at about 6pm.

I was ordering me some Thrive ASAP!!  I now KNEW that life could be better, I had experienced it for 3 days- it wasn't a fluke.  There was no reason to live the way I had become used to living before.  I could be healthy and full of energy all the time.  I could be so much more productive and get more done having energy all day long every day!

That night and for the next couple of days until my Thrive arrived I took the Herbalife because, heck it was better than nothing.  But each day as I waited for my shipment to arrive I KNEW there was something better available.  I KNEW I had found the answer and it would help me be more healthy.  Plus it's all Natural and Organic!  So it fit perfectly within my opinions of being anti-processed foods.  Oh, and remember how I was using Herbalife and itWorks before?  Well I did some research and compared all 3-  Thrive blew the other two out of the water!  If you compared them like cars, itWorks would be a Pinto- or maybe even a go-kart, Herbalife was a middle grade like say a Camry or Accord, and Thrive was a Ferrari!  All are better than nothing (walking) but some will preform better than others.

My experience was so drastic (as are 90% of people's within the first 3 days of taking Thrive) I am excited to share it with everyone!  If you don't like it, it's not for you, or you don't notice a difference I'm not offended at all.  But it could just be a life changing experience for you!  It was for me!

If you'd like to learn more information feel free to visit the website here.
Or you can always email me:  Just put "Thrive" in the subject box.

On a side note that may or may not be related- I've never been photogenic in my life. (not saying this to get compliments or anything)  So whenever a picture of me would turn out half decent I would cling to it for years because that's about how long it'd be before another picture looked good.  Since I started taking Thrive I am 4 for 4 on selfies/pictures that have actually turned out good!!  I can't believe it!  Maybe it's because I feel so good? Maybe it's just a coincidence, but there it is.

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