
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Keep fruits and veggies fresh

So when I signed up to sell Tupperware (so I could get all the stuff free) I was told about the different products and what they did.  They told me the Fridgesmarts will keep your fruits and veggies fresh for up to 3 times longer- now, I'm the type of person that likes to put things to the test and find out for myself.
So I bought 2 packages of strawberries at the store. 1 package I put into the small Tupperware Fridgesmart, and the other package I left in the container it came in.
1 week later- you could tell a little difference, the store package ones were getting dark and starting to look a little dry, but the Tupperware Fridgesmart ones looked like I had bought them that day!
Then a funny thing happened... I forgot about them for 3 weeks! One night I jumped off the couch and ran to the fridge expecting to have a mess to clean up.... this is what I found...
This picture really doesn't do it justice.  Remember both of these were bought on the same day! The only difference was the containers they were stored in!
What the picture doesn't show of the one on the right- after I took the picture I turned some of the strawberries to find mold.  They were trash- no way anyone would eat anything like that!

This is how my strawberries used to end up looking before getting my Tupperware Fridgesmarts!
now they last longer and look like this

Once again, these were bought at the same time! But the Tupperware Fridgesmart truly kept them fresh! These were just starting to get a couple little bruises on them- but in comparison to the others these were still  eatable!

So I'm convinced and sharing my results!
Tupperware has different sizes of these fridgesmart containers to fit things from watermelons, celery, to lettuce.
If you are interested in ordering these to try for yourself feel free to visit the website:
or email me

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