
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Cleaning Pans

Here is one of my Pinterest experiments tested.  I've seen the pictures on pinterest of how you can clean your pans with little to no effort and make them look new again.  Well this is one I wanted to try!

The cleaning solution- baking soda and hydrogen peroxide mixed together to make a paste.
How to use it:
SUPPOSEDLY you just rub it on the pans and it makes the stains magically disappear.  Well if that's the case this lady has no magic!  I first tried with a wash cloth, but that was making little to no progress, so I switched to a steel scrubber which seemed to work.  It was an effort though!  When something says it's easy I expect it to be like spray on, wipe off easy.  This required some elbow grease.  And after cramping hands/fingers I'm not sure the results were drastic enough to make it worth the time and effort.
A lot came off my cookie sheet, however the pan wasn't as noticeable.  Looking at the before and after pictures I can see a difference, but in the process I wasn't convinced I was doing much.

Conclusion: I think I can live with stained pans until I find an easier way to make them sparkle like new!
Here's Before & After pictures:

See what I mean? This was after about 20 minutes of scrubbing hard.  For the value of my time wasted I could have just bought a new pan haha!

Be sure to follow us on Pinterest to see more experiments tried & tested!

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